"DUHHH!!!!" at the gas pump
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"DUHHH!!!!" at the gas pump

Adding to Chucks Gas pump story I had one this evening. (although its hard to 
beat so I don't claim that)
I was at the Cavalcade of Customs in Cincinnati (Got best of class I might 
add) and this guy walks up to me and asks if this is the 6 or the 8 cylinder.
Humoring him of course I said a 6.
He told me how horible and unreliable they were so I just said I guess Volvos 
are unreliable of which he said they were one of the greatest motors ever but 
the D had a different one because DeLorean didn't want to spend the money.

Ok now the charmer

He says did you replace the cam for more power

I asked why

He said all you gotta do is drill a hole in the back from the inside of the 
car and it will slide right in.

Dumbfounded at this I asked him if it may be a bit easier to just do it the 
normal way.

He says no we do it all the time

I aks him if he has a DeLorean and he says not any more. I asked him how 
long he had it. He said Oh I sold it about 1980 or so.

I could not say another word I was trying not to laugh too hard,

He then read my blurb on the sign for the car saying they were made 81 -83 
I figured he would get it by then but he came back and told me my sign was 
wrong and they were made in the 70's

I couldn't help it I busted up 
he got pissed 
and left 
I would have died if he had continued.

On a serious note most people at the show were actually well informed on the 
car and I always had a nice crowd around it. 

The guy across from me noticed and was a bit jealous as the crowd always 
turned towards the D not his car and he had a very nice Chevy with custom 

Well thats my 2 cents worth


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