[DML] Re: Swapping PRV engine for Chevy or Ford small block
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[DML] Re: Swapping PRV engine for Chevy or Ford small block


If you are going to replace the engine with a Ford or a Chevy, then you are
just as well also replacing the rest of the car with a Ford or a Chevy. So
then what's the point in owning a DeLorean? They came with nice engines.
It isn't high performance, but it is easy to diagnose (with the right tools)
and one of the more reliable parts of the car.

If you buy a DeLorean, I suggest running it with the original engine while
you debug all the other things that commonly go wrong with the car including
the factory weak spots & defects and things associated with the age. Then
if there comes a time when you are happy with every part of the car except
the engine, then swap the engine. The engine isn't hard to understand. I
know it better than ANY other kind of engine I've ever worked on.

I'm planning an engine AND transmission swap eventually, but for now I'm
busy fixing up other parts of the car (and many many other non-car projects
in my life). I have a PDC stainless steel frame on the way and someday I'm
planning a Porsche 4 speed tiptronic coupled to a Cadillac Northstar V8.
But for now what I have works good enough.


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