RE: [DMCForum] BTTF on TBS (was: Re: WHO killed Jesus?)
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RE: [DMCForum] BTTF on TBS (was: Re: WHO killed Jesus?)

I think the fact that you have gone out of your way to try to prove me a
justifies my decision to lie to you people.
The same reason you lie to your kids about Santa Clause.

No, I am not afraid of anything,
but it is a lot easier to go through life blending in rather than doing what
Christians do and
cause a wave in the water every chance they get.
So to avoid an argument, hurt feelings and preserve the relationship it is
better to lie.
Just like when your wife asks you if she looks fat.
She might look like a hippo in spandex but we all know how to answer the

When you are dealing with the typical American Christian, they will argue
until they are
blue in the face, they simply refuse to believe that there is some poor lost
soul out there
who doesn't think like they do, and much like YOU who is emailing me to
harass me over
it they will sit there and talk talk talk until they have ruined the
relationship, and then
justifying themselves at how horrible a non-christian is because they would
not see their
point of view, and it must be the "devil" that has his grip on me.

So to satisfy the appetite of these morons I simply say, "Praise the lord
and hope that puts an end to it.

Christians are the ONLY religion that ADVERTISES.
I have never seen a witty bumper sticker for any other religion.
I have never seen a billboard for a "What would Allah Do" bracelet.
If you do see other religions holding protest, it is in an effort to stop
the oppression of someone
else, but Christians on the other hand do the opposite by trying to impede
others rights
and stop them from being.

I can't wait for the day that Jesus comes back and takes his people back
home to heaven
so that all the meek like me shall inherit the Earth and get back to work.
- VB

>From: "thebrave65" <johnnysher1@xxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [DMCForum] BTTF on TBS (was: Re: WHO killed Jesus?)
>Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 15:56:55 -0000
>You say:
>"Yes, I am an atheist, as I bet many people are but are afraid to
>admit it."
>Then you say:
>"When asked, for the sake of argument I simply reply that I am
>a 'Christian'."
>So you're not afriad to admit you're atheist using a keyboard but not

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