RE: [DML] car mysteriously dies 2 years in a row
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RE: [DML] car mysteriously dies 2 years in a row

Andy, Several things could be happening. The pulse coil or ignition coil
could be doing this, but normally it has to cool down for a longer period of
time and heat up longer before the wires will come apart and do what your
talking about. The other thing that comes to mind is the connection on the
bottom of the inertia switch. The plastic connections will heat up fast and
swell and separate the connection, then cool down quickly and you will start
up again. A fuse could also mask it's self and do something similar. Look at
the inertia swt set up. Also, What is the resistance of the coil and are you
using the resistor on the fire wall 1 ohm.
John Hervey

-----Original Message-----
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx [mailto:Soma576@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 5:55 PM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] car mysteriously dies 2 years in a row

Hey group,

After all the talk about getting the cars out I did the same today.
Unfortunately my D died on me 5 times in 45 minutes.

Here's what happened. I put the battery in and started the car (it started
immediately as if it wasn't even in storage since october). I warmed the car
for about 10 minutes until it reached operating temperature.   I checked for
leaks and after finding nothing I took it on it's first slow journey down
street.  After about three minutes the tach jerked once, then a second later
dropped to zero and the car was dead.  I coasted into a parking lot and went
the engine bay and pretty much unplugged every harness and electrical
connector related to ignition, idle motor, and rear bulkhead and then
plugged them
back in. The car started.  Then about 5 minutes after that it died again.
time I wasn't able to pull off the road and as i waited for cars to pass me
tried the key and on the 3rd time it started.  no more than 5 minutes after
it died again. This time i went to the electrical bay and unplugged fuse 1
then put it back in. car started.  I figured this was the culprit.  then I
started the car and it died when i closed the driver's door. I went back to
fuse and this time it didn't help.  so i played with everything else engine
related back there and after that it started again!  Weird.  Then it died
one more
time on the way back to the garage.  this time I couldn't find any single
culprit. only after messing around with many things did it randomly decide
start again.  sometimes when it dies the RPM needle jerks a couple times
first, in
fact, once it jerked, died, and 1 second later the car started again as I
coasting to a stop.

While the car is running, i haven't found a way to kill it by tapping
electrical parts, yet it seems vibration related since i closed the door and

I had the EXACT same problem LAST spring right after storage.  After a
days of pulling my hair out it never came back.  Until today.

I know it's not the inertia switch because I bypassed it last fall with
of a new one this year.  I am wondering if my Accel coil (which everyone
is not a good product) could be suspect.  I have also never replaced the RPM
relay or the pulse coil.

Any ideas would be fantastic.  I am quite sure the problem is electrical


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