Re: Why are some VINs so large?
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Re: Why are some VINs so large?

Not every possible # was assigned to a car. There are blocks of #'s
that were set aside as is usually the case on most production cars.
Some blocks may be related to the month of build, some to where the
cars where destined to be shipped, some with a particular option and
so on. For instance all the #'s before 500 were assigned to
preproduction training cars so there are 500 missing cars right there.
You cannot look at the last built vin # and say that many cars were
made, it is not that simple. Go to DMCNEWS.COM and look at Knut's
production chronology for further interesting reading on this subject.
I also encourage all owners to participate in registering to further
improve the DoD and the production chronology. Remember, we don't
always own these cars, we just get to have them for a while. Future
owners will appreciate our efforts to document and preserve this history.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757

--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "tnconlon" <P12C16@xxxx> wrote:
> How can some vins be in the 10000s or 16000s when only around 8600 
> DeLoreans were made? Any insight to explain this to a new owner? 
> I'm sure this is a stupid question but figured I would ask anyway :)
> Thanks
> Patrick
> VIN 1880

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