Help me pick an engine.......PLEASE!!!!!!!!
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Help me pick an engine.......PLEASE!!!!!!!!

I have recently purchased "Oscar", and am going to have him shipped
out to Boise ID within the next few weeks. Some other car thought it
would be nice to get cozy with Oscar's rear end and thus Oscar sadly
became a parts car. Not to worry, in steps Ulysses to save Oscar!
Ulysses has a drive(more like an obsession) to own a Delorean unlike
anyone has ever seen. I (I mean Ulyses) will not be denied his dream!
Now down to business. Oscar has what looks like the lower half of the
engine left. And the gentleman that presently has him has told me that
it's most likely not worth rebuilding what is left of the engine. I
tend to belive him because he works on Deloreans on a regular basis. I
have decided to put a volvo V6 back in the car. Now for the ultimate
question.....What is going to be the best, most cost effective engine
to put back into Oscar?!! I would like to be able to simply bolt up
the engine just as the original one. I would also like to take
advantage of an engine that has come out of a wrecked Volvo so the
cost would not be as high as a brand new engine. I'm not concerned
with the transplanted engine being used. I would simply like a stock
volvo V6 dropped into the car and wired up so that I could
conceivably drive my new car sometime within the confines of THIS YEAR!!!
I understand that there are probably messages somewhere in the DMC
groups, but I can't find them. So could all of you who would know what
I need please help me. Please help me get Oscar back on the road.
Thankyou all for your time,
Ulysses Stockdale
P.S. you can go ahead and shoot me, I don't know Oscars vin. yet! ;-)

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