Re: [DML] Exotic owners' code of conduct
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Re: [DML] Exotic owners' code of conduct

Very wise words, you do have to have a certain way of acting with a Delorean, I think. I am always polite and courteous to people who ask about the car, and often let people open up the doors and occasionally sit inside. The only time I refused was the only person so far who actually asked me first if they could sit inside. I said no because he had no shirt on, was a drunk, and looked like trouble. But I have even started being more open with having other people (friends) drive my D.

The only thing I have problem with is making eye contact with other drivers on the road and "not ignoring" them. Usually I drive looking straight, whether I'm in my D or not, and rarely look to my side to stare at other drivers. I hope people don't think I'm being snobbish by generally not looking around at stoplights, but when I do I always smile at people who are looking and giving me a thumbs up.

I think something you have to watch for too is not acting too "cocky" when you get out of your D and walk to a store or restaurant. One time I pulled up across from this car of younger kids and an older adult, got out, did a quick check on the car and stopped to wipe some dirt or something off the fascia or some other part. I guess the people in the other car took offense to the act and I promptly had some food junk thrown at my car, largely missing it though. So I would say stay away from doing the "quick wipe and walk away" if you can. :) 


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