Re: [DML] I quit. Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 18:23:02 -0400
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Re: [DML] I quit. Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 18:23:02 -0400

Hello List
I agree with Walt 100% and I decided to quit myself. The recent reason is
because my last post was rejected for no reason and with no explanation.
(BTW, I never used any offensive words) I posted to the oil thread and of
course got slammed. Then I wanted to post to explain to people that the
information I have is actually based on something very solid and it's not
just my opinion. (I was the person that Walt mentioned in his post - the
story about the oil thread) There is still a lot of confusion about when to
change your oil and that you should drive your car as soon as it is started
especially when the engine is cold. But our wonderful moderating team didn't
give me a chance to prove that what I said was not speculation, just fact. I
feel that the person that gets slammed should have a chance to prove that
he's right. No offence, but I'd rather trust lab results than listen to an
opinion of someone who works at an oil change place.
Another reason for my quitting is some of the DMLers themselfs. Some people
have no idea what they are talking about but will still post to the list
slamming others. C'mon!!!! You are not always right!!! For some reason some
people think that they know everything better than others. I would never
slam somebody just because I think he is wrong. The idea is to have a
conversation not a slamming contest! I get an impression that this list is
becoming a "who can slam better" contest.
I have been a member of the DML for a looooong time and during that time I
have helped a lot of fellow DeLorean owners that needed help. I like helping
people and I'm glad I could help. But I enjoy talking about the car and
helping people much more than arguing with someone.

So, if anyone needs my help feel free to email me at tomcio'AT' .
As some people know, I know just about everything there is to know about the
car and I'd be glad to help if someone is in need.
If someone wants to argue about something.... just enjoy your stay on the
DML - The best DeLorean related slamming contest on the web.

Good bye
Tom Niemczewski
vin 06298 (FOR SALE)

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