Re: [DML] wiring and AC charging
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Re: [DML] wiring and AC charging


You said:
"In other words, band-aids are unacceptable. I'm amazed at what
D owners live with, I've no interest in owning a maintenance pig that needs
frequent attention."

I have probably done more research on the DeLorean electrical system than
anyone. My R&D Delorean has a completely modified wiring and circuit layout
from the factory original. Yes; I agree that the original electrical system
has many design and component flaws. Over the years all of the established
DeLorean vendors have designed and or sold products that will compensate for
the original factory problems.

Modifying the circuit design including wiring changes to the original set up
is just not practical for the average owner. Most DeLorean owners have
problems finding a place that will change their oil much less finding a
reliable service facility that can modify their electrical system.

The facts are that most owners who have installed the upgrades that are
available from us and the other vendors are able to completely eliminate the
original problems with a modest investment and the convenience of
do-it-yourself installation.

Products like the FanZilla, Tankzilla, Overheat Protector, and others are
not band-aid fixes. They are easy to install, require no maintenance, and do
exactly what they were designed to do.

My colleges and I, in our continuing efforts to improve the DeLorean
mechanical and electrical systems, appreciate your knowledge and input in
finding ways to improve the reliability and serviceability of the DeLorean

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----- Original Message -----
Subject: [DML] wiring and AC charging

The "upgrades" you mention are designed for non technical
> people, hence the plug and play nature of them. Why would anyone with
> the ability to correct the design flaws resort to them?
and maintained properly.
> And why would I install a battery master instead of fixing the system
> so it operates properly? In other words, band-aids are unacceptable.
> I'm amazed at what D owners live with, I've no interest in owning a
> maintenance pig that needs frequent attention. My Toyota Supra
> doesn't have any of these problems and soon this car won't either.

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