Proud young Delorean owner!
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Proud young Delorean owner!

I had purchased my first DeLorean when I was 16 back in 1983. I had been 
working and saving up the money for two years to buy it. It had 18 miles on 
it and was on the showroom floor at an authorized DeLorean dealer called 
Spreen Toyota in Atlanta.
When the insurance bill came in I was devastated that I could not keep it for 
more than six months. I could afford the car, but not the insurance as a 16 
year old.
18 Years later I am enjoying a different DeLorean and the insurance is cheap!

BTW, I paid $18,995 for my D in 1983, and $19,000 for my current one. If I 
had only kept the original one in good shape, I could've made $5 profit in 
only 18 years! That's better than my Enron stock!

Daniel Deutsch

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