Car Shows
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Car Shows

I got a question for everyone. After a year of ownership I finally started taking my car to car shows.
I've only been to 3 so far, 2 were actual car shows themselves and one was a car show at street festival 
type event so there was a lot of people there not just for the car show. My problem/questiom is since one 
of the unique things about the car is the doors abviously so I leave them up but what I found is that people
are not that respectful about cars when your at a festival and not just a car show itself. I had 3 people help 
themselves to sit inside my car even with the Please Look but Don't Touch sign in the window. I'm not sure
if I want to take it to another event like that or not. So my question is has anyone else had this happen and
would it be considered "rude" or "stuck up" or something like that if I was to maybe put something like 
yellow caution tape across the door opening to try and keep people out or what? Does anyone else do anything
like this? 

On a side note, I was surprised to see another DeLorean at my last car show. It was a Dec. '81 build (2 months
after mine) but the VIN number was 10403. Mine is 05903. Would this other one be a Canadian Model or what? 
Why the large difference in VIN's? I asked the guy if he was on the list but he said he wasn't so I tried to encourage
him to join. He might be on here by now. 

Jason #5903

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