James Espy: Schills
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James Espy: Schills

"Here I go again" as Ronald Reagan used to say. For those who don't
already know, Bobzilla is actually a gentleman named Bob Buono. He
happens to be the genius behind the Zilla series of DeLorean
electronics. Perhaps you slammed Bob because he has decided to keep us
as his sole distributor. I wish I could give you and the other
suppliers a better deal but the profit margin is too small and I'd hate
to raise the retail prices just to give the dealers a better margin. My
friendship with Bob and his lovely wife Linda dates back to the early
80's when he first brought in his DeLorean for service. Just out of
curiosity James what were you doing back then? Undoubtedly it wasn't
anything related to DeLoreans. 

Although Bob supplies me with Zilla's he has nothing to do with our
"hardened" angle drives. I did not know he was going to post his
thoughts until I read it on the DML. So how could he be a schill? He
was just being a nice guy, and DeLorean owner, voicing his opinion. You
don't even own a DeLorean anymore James so we all know the purpose of
your recommendation of particular products and services. It's just
business right?. Bobzilla (as my wife Debby nicknamed him) answers to no
one, except Linda of course. Insulting him is like insulting a member of
my family. I asked him to respond to your slight but he declined, so
I'm doing it for him. I am responding to this on the DML, because I
feel you owe him a public apology. What do you think? 

The answer to your statement (SNIP "At last, I'm not the only schill on
the DML" Digest 380, message 18) is no. There still is only one schill
on the DML. 

If you would like to discuss this matter in private, my phone number is:


Robert Grady
PJ Grady, Inc.

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