Re: [DML] variety car shows
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Re: [DML] variety car shows

Soma576@xxxx wrote:
> can anyone tell me what the usual cost is to get in on something like this,
> what is expected of you, and really just anything anyone knows about them.

It depends on the show. Just clean the car up and go. Some shows require a
fire extinguisher in the car (which is a good idea to have anyway).

I find most shows around New Jersey are under $15 to register. Usually a
discount if you pre-register.

> i'd also love to hear about anyone out there winning some awards with their D
> at a non-offical "delorean show".

I have had a good mix of "winning" experiences with my DeLorean. I find I do
better at shows where the awards are based on People's Choice. Although I have
won awards at "professional judged" shows as well. Then there are the times
that you get a slap in the face and a 1984 Camaro painted in rustolium black
beats out 3 well maintained DeLoreans! (Right Dan and Gary?)

Even the shows where I go home empty handed, I still have a good time. I like
meeting people and talking about the car. Showing your car is the best way to
educate other auto enthusiast about the car, and increase the interest (value)
in the car.

Most of the "shows" I go to are more of local cruise nights. Even without
awards they can be fun events. I do find that many of the event coordinators
think the DeLorean is too new to participate so you are pushed off to the side,
but it is always fun to see their faces when you have the largest crowd around
your car!

Since you asked about personal experiences:

I think it was 1999, Laura (my girlfriend) told me about a show in one of the
local shore towns. The weather was nice, so what the heck! I did not even do a
good job of prepping the car. We arrived a bit late and got a terrible spot on
one of the side streets where we did not get a lot of attention. Later in the
afternoon as some of the other cars were leaving, I move the DeLorean on to the
main street. About a hour later someone walks up to me... "Is this your car?"
Common question at a car show, but he was standing with a photographer. To my
surprise, I won 2nd place. With the number of cars, and the quality of cars
that were at this show I was flattered to win 2nd place.

On the other hand...

My local town was having a indoor car show. I could not find any details about
the show (time, cost, judging) so I just showed up on the morning of the show. 
Sure enough, I was late. When the guy at the entrance to the building saw the
DeLorean, he made room for me. As local shows go, there was a poor selection of
cars. The quality of the cars were not impressive at all. The only thing that
was somewhat interesting was a poor quality Tucker REPRODUCTION. I figured they
might as well give me the trophy now. Throughout the day I noticed how little
attention I was getting. Even the terrible Elvis impersonator ignored me! 
Towards the end of the show, I started talking to someone who had a Grand
National (another car on my want list) and found out that the show was focused
on their specific club. When award time came, a bunch of lame cars won (all
owned by club board members) and first prize went to the Tucker... On my way out
I noticed that the event was sponsored (financially) by the guy who owned the
Tucker! What a surprise.

So anyway, if you do show your car the experience will always be unpredictable.

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