Funny trucker quotes from Cleveland trip
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Funny trucker quotes from Cleveland trip

Here's some funny, and moreover, uneducated quotes from truckers on CB
channel 19 on the way to Cleveland. Just goes to show, everyone thinks
they're an expert on these cars.

------------St. Louis to Indianapolis--2 DeLoreans

"Whoa! There goes two DeLoreans chasing each other", "Yep, hand stamped
aluminum them are."

"Those were made by GM right?", "No, Ford"

------------Indianapolis to Auburn, IN--3 DeLoreans

Nothing really that funny, just a lot of "WOW! Three DeLoreans!!"

------------Auburn, IN to Cleveland--7 DeLoreans

"Look at the seven Lamborghinis!!!!!"

"What the hell are those little gray cars goin east bound????"

"Those were sold at the Ford dealerships, right??"

"Hmmmmm, they're all the same color!"

"How much those cost??", "Oh they were just under 82 grand"

"There must be a Back to the Future convention." (he was serious!)

"Those must be the only seven left in existance!!!!"

Again, lots of "Look at the 5 (or 6,7) DeLoreans eastbound!" For some
reason they only counted 5 or 6 most of the time--who knows.

-------------Holiday Inn Cleveland--about 60 DeLoreans

The hotel maintinance guy grabs me as I get in the hotel elevator.......He
says the girl he works with told him that most states OUTLAWED DeLoreans
because they were too fast for the road. YEAH RIGHT--I only wish!

-------------Columbus, OH gas station on the way home--Just my D

Guy comes up to me......"Yup you don't see ANY of these anymore....the few
that are left no one drives, they just sit in the garage or museums." I
said "Well, there were over 100 in Cleveland yesterday, most of which were
driven in from all over the country. After I get home I will have driven
mine over 1600 miles this week." Response........"Oh."

No talk from the truckers today though. Only heard one guy say something.

The BS stories that go along with this car.......they just baffle the mind
some people could come up with them. By yourself a CB off eBay for $20 and
just listen to the crap these "experts" preach to each other about your car.
Funny stuff.


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