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On Sunday 19 March, son Rick and I, and William Junkins and wife Betina, paraded our DeLoreans in the St Patrick's Day Parade through Sydney (Australia). It was a great event which drew a large spectator group. We arrived at the start point early so spent a considerable amount of time milling about before the parade got underway. During the 'milling' period, both cars attracted considerable interest and we just about wore our vocal cords out explaining the ins-and-outs to onslaught of enquiring minds. I have come up with the idea of handing out leaflets which gives a brief outline of the history of the DeLorean. As well as reducing the wear-and-tear on the vocal cords, the flyers are very popular.

With the parade underway, we initially we started off with the doors down, but as we approached the officials and the dais at the Sydney Town Hall, we both opened our doors together. The crowd cheered and waved. It was very spectacular. We continued the parade with the doors open.

Hopefully I'll be able to post a few pics of the parade in the near future.

Lance Haslewood
Sydney, Australia

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