[DMCForum] Re: God Squad
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[DMCForum] Re: God Squad

Andrew, I fail to see how my logic is circular. Bear with me:

If God wans us to worship Him on faith alone, waiting until we have
evidence to prove He is there defeats the purpose of faith.

As I said, I believe (and have to some extent seen) that if you have
faith in Him for the sake of having faith, then you will be shown
evidence to confirm it.

I think our primary difference is the definition of faith.

You seem to think that you cannot believe in something without proof
of it being there.

However, the entire idea of believing on faith alone requires that you
do that. If you really have an open mind, you can let go of the need
for "proof" for a while.

I don't have proof that you're there. For all I know, you are just a
bunch of pre-written messages tailored to respond to my posts.

However, I have faith that if I were to go to your house or wherever
you claim to be right now, I would find you there.

That is exactly the same as having faith in God. As you have said,
there is a lot of circumstantial evidence but no conclusive evidence
(at least none that people accept).

In the same way, I have only circumstantial evidence that you exist,
but nothing conclusive.

Oh, and as for the whole "purpose of God" post, my point is the same:
If He has to prove His existence, we can't believe on faith alone.

Andrew, if you still see my logic as circular, replace the "A because
B because A" argument with actual words, and I might begin to see your

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