Re: [DML] Digest Number 2538
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Re: [DML] Digest Number 2538

In a message dated 3/24/2005 12:50:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

Message:  14        
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 15:30:54  -0000
From: "ksgrimsr"  <knut.s.grimsrud@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Returned Telex/Factory  Papers

It is indeed true that a fellow loaned me his  DMC-related documents 
from the time he was a dealer (and early investor).  I believe the 
gentleman's last name was Rose.

A few selected  documents from him are the ones that appear in the 
documents section of  the FAQ posted at, but there are a 
few more that are not  posted (such as the Arthur Andersen accounting 
report and some other  tidbits).

Those documents were scanned so long ago that although I  still have 
the files I no longer have the utilities to manipulate them.  For 
some reason I scanned them using a tool called PaperPort which  
stored files in some proprietary format. I'll have to see if I can  
find some file conversion utility to put the files in some format 
that  can actually be viewed.


Hi Knut -
Should you need assistance, I have both a fairly recent copy from  2001 
(Paperport Deluxe v7.0) and an older copy copy from around 1998 (v5.3)  of the 
Paperport scanning & image management software up & running on my  computers, and 
am happy to help out.  Are the proprietary files you have in  a ".MAX" format? 
 If the original files are undamaged and still  readable, the programs I have 
should be able to export them in most  standard image file formats for 
further use in other graphics programs.   Please contact me privately off the list 
if you'd like to pursue this  further.
Cheers - Dan  

*****WhoCruiser@xxxxxxx is Dan  Harris*****
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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