Re: Low mileage cars. (Was I cant be the only one)
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Re: Low mileage cars. (Was I cant be the only one)

Quick opinion on what the deLorean was meant to. I think it's a 
little between you opinion and what DMC might have said way back 

The DeLorean SHOULD have been faster... they would have made it so 
if they had stayed in biz. But it isn't. Just like a modern "normal" 
sports car would toast an older Porsche... The DeLorean is the same 
speed as normal cars today (but won't be soon... lookin at these 250 
horse Honda Accords they're putting out... 'normal' is getting 
faster and faster)... but in 81 it was at least sort of fast.
Some people want speed... some (like me) are in it JUST for the 
inherent GREATNESS that is the car.. ..stock. But NEVER EVER was the 
DeLorean MEANT to have 450 horsepower. It wasn't a lamborghini... it 
was a sporty cadilac (IE Luxury Sports car). A Lamborghini is not 
luxurious (ever sit in one?) the DeLorean is (was anyway).

But by that token... I'd love to take your DeLorean for a spin once 
it's 450 horsepower. 
Tempests weren't MEANT to fast until DeLorean...

But I tend to agree that if it is practically concours already it 
should stay that way... find another car to hack up. Less expensive 
too... why invest 25k in a car you're going to replace half of.

I'd like 250 HP. 
James 004009

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