Re: [DML] Alternators ( Informative )
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Re: [DML] Alternators ( Informative )

Steve, Your correct, An alternator or anything on the car ( Not just the 
Delorean ) can work one day and not work the next. That's the mechanical age 
we live in. My alternators have only been out for less than two years. So far 
I have only heard of two actually going out and I have sent out almost 75 of 
them and two to Japan. But the main problem I have seen other than UPS 
throwing them around is wiring. The brown / yellow wire ( light Wire ) is the 
one that has to be hooked up to the alternator and a lot of the time the 
brown wire is hood up and it will burn up the regulator in about 30 sec. I'm 
not blaming anyone, and I know it can be overlooked and I haven't said 
anything about mechanics quality, but I can tell you this mechanics have 
wired up more wrong that the individuals because they are un familiar with 
the DeLorean set up and some won't read the instructions. They feel brown or 
hot wire goes to regulator. ( Wrong ). This has happened several times. Some 
of the other problems I hear about is the wiring that has been mutilated in 
the past by others. The wires cut off or break in the wiring loom and so on 
and the dash battery light is out.
I have overnighted parts for local rebuilders to fix, I have told people what 
part to have replaced to get them back on the road the same day. I also test 
them and run an endurance test on them to see how much the current / voltage 
drop will be if you think they arn't putting out enough. 
I feel De Lorean vendors go to a little more extreme to bring a higher 
quality product to the De Lorean market. 
Yes, It's not bullet proof, but if you see what I see and hear going into the 
boxes at your local auto stores you would not be surprised why they have a 
20% faluier rate.
Mechanics don't build them and the assembly people are not to blame, it's 
the way mangement of the rebuilders suppling the auto stores are told to 
recycle used parts. Did you know that a rebuilder get's 100% write off credit 
from the taxes if you return a rebuilt alternator or starter. Something to 
think about.
You may now see why I'm a little more passionate about a very critical part 
of our car. 

<< Case in point I have heard numerous accounts of NEW 
alternators from you John going and needing to be replaced. >>

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