RE: Re: [DML] Delorean Maintenance?
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RE: Re: [DML] Delorean Maintenance?

There are also
>factory recalls, and updates which are also essential to having
>a safe, reliable DeLorean. Those deal with the cooling,
>electrical, and fuel systems. A lot of people also feel that you
>should steer clear of the really early and really late cars, and
>that 5-speeds are more reliable than the automatics... 

The really, really, really, really, really, really, really early, and really, really, really, really late cars are just as reliable as any other DeLorean. Since these particular cars have traded hands so often the previous owners, as well as, the current owners have made an investment into the car to have them updated and maintained correctly...I say Correctly, as too often the statement applies here "there are DeLorean's & there are butchered, jerry rigged, P.O.S. DeLorean's" no matter what VIN range, year, or transmission designation.

To give you an example, there is a student here at the US Naval Academy who purchased an early 1981 #1554 from the public school district. The car sat for well over 15 years in the vocational school. The car was repaired correctly, and was driven across the United States from Maryland to San Diego California.

There are several owners of Automatic DeLoreans who find the Automatic very reliable and less of a headache than a 5 speed. It is your preference. I drove two automatic DMC'c everyday for 4 problems.
In addition, Mr. Bernstein has over 500,000 miles on his automatic DeLorean.

Best Wishes,
Michael Pack
DOA 4743

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