[DML] Car Shows... my two cents
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[DML] Car Shows... my two cents

Here are the rules I started posting for myself after entering TWO TINY shows:

RULE 1: People are rude and inconsiderate. When people begin to look past your 'I beg of you to please not touch this car' and want to implant their fingerprints all over the it, a loud clearing of the throat is in order. Yes, they saw your sign. But they just HAD to touch it!

RULE 2: If you let people sit in, touch, tamper, move, play, jar, budge, ANYTHING in or on your car... 
It is YOUR time consumed in making the repairs and the bill is yours to pay when you get it fixed. And it will most certainly damper your enthusiam a bit to enter any future shows. We all like to show off our cars. But a few fools and klutzs can ruin the experience of entering a nice show.

RULE 3: Our kids are perfect, OTHER people's kids are monsters. See rule #2.

At the end of the day, it is YOU who has to go home with your car. Everyone else can walk away from it with no problem.

Babysit your car.
Wear a sign that says, "I OWN this car."
People will be a bit more respectful.

But just a bit.

Colby Knight
Current Vin: 15596
Former Vin: 1328 (where for art thou, 1328??)

Visit the De Lorean Motor Company web site at http://www.delorean.com to register for our Open House to be held August 10-12, 2001 in Houston, Texas! Don't miss it!

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