Re: (wasHeat test) Cooling Fans
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Re: (wasHeat test) Cooling Fans

I have to respectfully disagree here. 

This seems to me to be a particularly ill-advised modification. 
Anything that would require the operator to remember to turn the fans 
back on after a highway run is just asking for expensive trouble. The 
way the DeLorean is supposed to work, i.e. where the fans run when 
needed as called for by the Otterstat, OR when the Air conditioner is 
on, is SOP for every car I've seen that uses electric fans. 

If you have an overheating problem, fix it, don't wire around it. 
Replacing the fan motors (and I don't believe that these are a 
particularly high-failure part) is much cheaper than a new engine.

Being able to turn of the fans when running the A/C in cold climates 
is a non-issue. If it's cold, I'm not running the A/C. If the 
otterstat turns on the fans, it's because the engine is hot. No need 
to second-guess it.

I've replaced every part of my cooling system (except the aluminum 
tubes and the engine block), with OEM parts including the radiator, 
and it runs exactly as it should in all weather. I was in a parade 
this weekend, an hour of essentialy idling in 83-degree weather, and 
the fans cycled on and off about every 5 minutes. Exactly what they 
are supposed to do. 

If you really want to do something like this it had better be 
completely automatic, no driver intervention required, which just 
further complicates the electrical system of the car - to do what - 
make a 10-year item (fan motors) last for 11 years? 

Dave Swingle

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, dherv10@xxxx wrote:
We'll today I added 
> a feature to my Fan Fix to turn off the fans while going somewhere 
> that isn't start and stop and no heavy traffic. It's 88-92 degrees 
> Dallas, about 6:30 pm, sun still pretty high along with the 
> hummidity. I did a 40 mile trip to my office and back and the temp 
> gauge just barely got above the first mark off the bottom about 
> I had the air conditioner on all the way had a couple of stops to 
> exit and go to my office. I had the fans turned off the whole trip. 
> > may not need them on all the time either. So, This I will call:
> The Fan Saver.
> John Hervey

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