RE: [DML] "Delorean" - the book
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RE: [DML] "Delorean" - the book

I understand where you're coming from Ryan.
I first read John's autobiography when I was 14, and I felt the same way.
How could everything that was so right go so wrong, and why did the
government have to target John for a sting. You have to remember that
at the time, Ronald Reagan had made the drug war a major priority,
and that John, because of his situation and celebrity, was an easy target
for FBI agents that were over zealous with very questionable ethics.

I have a copy of the "Coke" poster you mention, along with the Clint Clemens
print "Blizzard of the Eighties" hanging over my bed. It's unfortunate, but
of the posters put out after the trial in the mid-eighties only feature a
with some lame joke about cocaine. I have the "Coke" poster rolled up in a
like most people on the list, if something has a Delorean in or on it, I end
up buying it.
I don't think people on the list found the poster humorous the way you
I think it was probably meant to be in the spirit of "Oh great, another one
of those
dumb Delorean/cocaine posters from the mid eighties". Anyone that is
with John knows that he never had a single thing to do with cocaine.

I would be willing to guess about 95% of this list has already read his
I was lucky enough to send my copy to John and have him sign it for me.
If you can locate his mailing address, he might do the same for you. If you
make it to the meet in Memphis in 2002, you might be able to get him to sign
it in person.
I've heard rumors he may be making an appearance.

>>I don't know what to say; I'm completely in shock. There has always been
understanding in my mind that government corruption exists, but I am
absolutely shocked at what I just read. Right now, I would do anything for
John DeLorean. For anyone to have to go through what he went through.... I
just can't imagine it.

Not so many weeks ago, a link was posted to an EBay auction of a poster. The
poster was of a DeLorean with a big red "COKE" bumper sticker. If I recall
correctly, there was some indication that a few of us found this to be
humorous. I pray that I NEVER, EVER have to see anything like that on this
list again. For someone to find humor in that is appalling and disgusting,
and I use those words for lack of an appropriate 4 lettered replacement.

For those of you who have yet to read this book, I highly encourage you to
do so immediately. Pick up a copy at your local library, or buy one online.
There are a couple on EBay right now that can be had for around $10. I am
going to add this one to my permanent collection as a grim reminder of
exactly how our world works.>>>

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