Plexiglass windshield and a alternative to goop adhesive for windshields
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Plexiglass windshield and a alternative to goop adhesive for windshields

They both scratch very, very
easily. In fact, just running your windshield wipers on a windshield
with a small amount of dust on it would permanently ruin the piece.
They don't crack easily, granted -- that's why Lexan and Plexi are 
in high-vandalism and/or high impact areas such as hockey arena glass.
However, if you take a look at any of these installations, you will 
how easily it's scratched. Plexi can be scratched with a fingernail,
and Lexan with a key. Just imagine the gouges your windshield would
have after an hour of highway driving where your glass is continually
pelted by small pebbles.

I never thought about the scratch issue,some very good replys about 
using,plastic windshields,again I was going to do it for the short
term reason,but after reading about the cons with using plexiglas or 
lexan for windshields,I will just stick with good old glass for a 
windshield,I do have one new windshield hanging around but I had 
planned to use it for Vin #000570(I cracked the windshield by 
accident,always pad your windshield if you have a storage area above 
your stored cars,(the car was covered by a thin car cover)but I will 
use it for the (red)painted car.

Also I have found that you do NOT have to use that expensive oil 
based crummy windshield adhesive,I replaced a windshield on one of my 
cars (a GM product) and I used Red Devil Brand Adhesive Sealant 
called, Lifetime(water based) that is Siliconized Acrylic,(BLACK)and 
I did that over two years ago and it works like a charm!!The beauty 
about it is that it is Water Cleanup,so that any residue can be 
cleaned up without any fuss,and it works just as GOOD or Better that 
that oil based goop that we call windshield adhesive it has SPEC 230 
Performance,AND you can buy it at any Home Depot Store,and it is 
UNDER $2.00 a tube(10.1 Fl.Oz 300Ml.)I think I used about two or 
three tubes.Guaranteed to last a life time.


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