[DML] James Bond DeLorean? [No cheeky tongues]
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[DML] James Bond DeLorean? [No cheeky tongues]

Title: James Bond DeLorean? [No cheeky tongues]

One problem about a movie studio using a D in a Bond film or any other for that fact . . . do we really wantto sacrifice 5-10 DeLoreans just to get recognition? Most bond films end up w/ his car and/or other things blowing up, getting recked, etc. And then when the movie is done the studio will have to buy up more Ds to put at different priemeers and or shows thoughout the world.

BTTF did a good job not "ruining" any cars, and I'm sure if anyone would be making a homemade spoof would also not want to harm them in any way. But the movie studios are a different story, that have me worried.

Word on the street is that there are only round 6,000 or so Ds still alive out there. And with me not owningone yet, I don't want the number to decrease just for Hollywoods deep marketing pockets.

just my worries

- a different    Shannon  (Y.)
VIN# Not Yet!

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