[DML] Re: Cup holders, etc
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[DML] Re: Cup holders, etc

My Miata was my first new car way back in '92, and I swore there would be no
food, drinking, smoking, spitting, etc., of any kind in MY NEW CAR. The day
I took delivery, I set down the Coke that I had been holding to get into it
for the first time, and before I ever even started it, I decided to lower
the convertible top. Which is precisely where I had set down my Coke.
Needless to say, this made a mess all over me, the top, and the car
interior. And ended my reign of terror! I then and there decided that the
way to keep things nice was to clean them, not by attempting to keep them
from ever getting dirty.

The way I see it, the average car is driven 12000 miles a year at an average
of 35 MPH. That's about 350 hours a year. Probably more time than I'll
spend in the movies, or in the bathroom, or at lunch. (One hour lunch, 5
days a week for 52 weeks is only 260 hours.)

So if I'm gonna spend that much time in my car, I'm certainly not going to
deprive myself of life's amenities. It might be different if mine were a
show car, but I bought it to be a driver. To paraphrase from Steven King's
"Christine": "Crap wipes up."

Gus Schlachter
Austin, TX
VIN# 4695

P.S. I have a cupholder! It's the beanbag type and it goes in the tray at
the back of the armrest, between the seats. It's grey vinyl that's a close
enough match that most people don't even notice it or think that's it's

> -----Original Message-----
> From: The Genius [mailto:dmc-xii@xxxx]
> Subject: [DML] Re: Cup holders
> I second that. Avoids the hassle and problems. Just drink
> something before you leave or when you get out. If you really
> need to drink in the car, I suggest water so that if it spills,
> it won't make a sticky, slimy, disgusting mess.
> On Thu, 02 Mar 2000 08:52:59 Marc A Levy wrote:
> >My solution: Dont drink and drive!
> >
> >The rules of my cars are no food, drink, or smoking at any time!

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