[DML] re: battery cut-off switch
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[DML] re: battery cut-off switch

Since the D is a side post mount, they're kind of hard to find. I tried to
rig up on of the top post knob type disconnecter on my Cadillac but never
could get it to work. I finally found an ad in Hemmings for the knob type
specially made for the side post batteries. He wanted $15 ppd a piece for
them. BUT, if you order 10 or more there was a 50%, yes 50% discount. So I
put up a message on our Cadillac Allante board and got about 15 people
together to get the discount on 25 switches.

I don't see his ad in Hemmings any more. There's one for $16.95+$3 to ship.
I have a few left if you want the discount. They'd be $11 including
postage. Oh, they install between the negative cable and battery. A half
turn cut the power with out and sparks or lights flashing. You also need a
washer on the battery end to make the connection right (I include one).

If you, or anyone else is interested, email me at gatewayaag@xxxxx
That's "gatewayaag" at "mindspring.com" if you read it on the net and have
the last letter missing.

I only have a few left, but if there's enough people interested I'll order a
case of them again to get the discount for everyone. If you want more than
one you'll save more money on shipping too. Lemmie know

--Jonathan #000697


Can anyone recommand a "BATTERY CUT-OFF" switch and where best to install?

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