[doc] Waxoyl and other rust prevention
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[doc] Waxoyl and other rust prevention

Now that 5706 is out and about, my thoughts turn to rust (not literally,
obviously) and how to prevent it.

I've seen this product advertised in virtually every classic car magazine
one picks up.  Has anyone had it applied to their Delorean and how do they
rate it?

Car Covers

There seem to be about a gazillion makes advertised in the same magazines
for external weather protection.  I previously had a Covercraft one which
was tailored and excellent but fairly expensive.  Anyone have any personal
recommendation of a supplier?

Your thoughts, as ever, are much appreciated.


DOC 411

PS: If anyone ever sees Tiger Seal for sale I suggest they buy a lot in.
Despite extensive searches I have been unable to locate a single stockist.
My local motor factors, who seem to stock everything under the sun and much
besides, repeated the name slowly several times "Tiger seal?" implying I was
slightly soft in the head for asking for such a thing!

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