[doc] ROC editorial, lets hope this doesnt happen to the DOC!
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[doc] ROC editorial, lets hope this doesnt happen to the DOC!

Hi Guys, sorry if this post is a bit longwinded, but thought some of
you might find it of interest.  The DOC is a very lively, well run
'little' club, with huge amounts of input and enthusiasm from its
members.  In contrast, the Renault Owners Club, of which I am Clio and
R5 registrar and has around 1000 members, is full of apathetic members
who are quite happy to pay £25 per year and read the 5 magazines that
come out.

This is a copy of the Chairmans Notes from the most recent ROC
magazine which I received a couple of weeks ago:

"Shortly we will hold the AGM of the ROC.  You recently received a
personal letter from me regarding the likely position at this event of
having several key job roles vacant as a result of people standing
down.  My appeal for volunteers to contact me has had few positive
responses and we presently sit with no definate signs of the posts of
responsibility becoming filled. I would like to thank the several
people who wrote to me expressing their best wishes for sucess, but
their inability to be able to help me personally; these letters gave
me the strength to forge ahead with hope.  However I am no nearer
having any confidence that the club will be able to function after April.

It is no use the membership purely reading this report and the rest of
this edition of Renotes thinking all will be OK and the next magazine
will be forthcoming.  The next letter received from the club may be
notification of winding up the club after 50 years. Beleive me, the
situation is that serious.

I can only hope I jolt some thoughts for members to attend the AGM and
search their lives to see if they can fulfil a job role running the
club.  We need an editor, secretary, members secretary, treasurer and
publicity officer; all key roles essential to keep the wheels turning. 

I sincerely hope that this is not the last time I am able to write in
Renotes; over to you - the membership"

If a club the size of the ROC can be virtually killed by its members
it is certainly food for thought - lets just hope this never happens
to the DOC!!

Seeyall soon,

#2292 'Flopsy'
Megane Dynamique dCi 120 'Maggie'

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