Re: [DML] more issues with my ignition - update
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Re: [DML] more issues with my ignition - update

For those keeping track, here's the latest update. The car finally did start today, but I'm still not sure exactly what the problem is - read on.

I've replaced the stock coil with the MSD 8202 unit ($40 from a local shop). I got differing opinions on using the stock versus a replacement compensating resistor, so I just installed the new coil and used the stock resistor. I now have a good blue spark off the coil.

I've replaced the 2.5 year old battery with a brand new one. The car now cranks *really well*, but still no start.

I opened up the fuel pump area and I'm getting 12 volts to the pump during cranking, and the pump does energize when cranking or even manually closingthe RPM relay. Closed it all up. Still no start.

The entire time this past week, the idle speed motor has been buzzing and humming a bit louder then I ever recall - but I'm told this is normal. On ahunch, I just disconnected it - and voila - the car started right up. It ran a little rough for a minute or so, and I re-connected the ISM and the car is running quite well now. I know alot of people might think that's not possible, but after talking with Rob Grady about it, it is possible that it is stuck or sticky and causing a hard start situation. He said it's rare to have a no start condition with a faulty ISM, but it is possible, as we've pretty much eliminated everything else.  

I'm going to remove the ISM and inspect it to see what's going on, and hopefully that was the problem, and it's not some other more obscure intermittent problem that's going to leave me stranded again.


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