Re: [DML] Tilley's Electric DeLorean Delorean Car Show
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Re: [DML] Tilley's Electric DeLorean Delorean Car Show

--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxx> wrote:
> There are too possibilities
> Either Tilley violated the second law of thermodynamics with exaggerated 
> claims
> or
> He really invented an energy saving device and the government and 
> industry confiscated all of his stuff to stop him from changing the world.
> After all, look what happened to DeLorean.
> Sometimes you just never know.

While many shady happenings have happened in the past with big business 
trying to crush the little guy, and so on, I can't believe that Carl Tilley is this 
kind of "victim".

John DeLorean:
Former GM exec with a well proven track record of creating winning car 
designs, and setting sales records. Leaves on bad terms with employer, and 
challenges them at their own business. Created a legitimate company, 
producing a physical, tangible product. Is put out of business amid great 
controversy, and proof that foreign Govt. powers had conflicting interest with 
his business "enemy", General Motors. Margaret Thacther's husband Dennis 
is a MAJOR GM stockholder. This of course coupled with good 'ol fashioned, 
bad management, are what do the company in. Soon after DMC goes under, 
both GM, and Ford open up engine manufacturing plants in the same region. 
And tainted Govt. interests opt to shut down plant, and destroy all body dies, 
engineering plans, and spare parts that they could get ahold of, rather than 
keep it open to provide jobs, and recover tax payer loss.

Carl Tilley:
Past criminal history, including convictions mostly for some form of fraud. 
History of numerous scams as well. Has no tangible product to speak of, nor 
has any development records. His "invention" for keeping batteries charged is 
a silver box which collects static electricity, and diverts it into a bank of 
batteries, to keep them charged. Even others whom have seen his car 
operate state that the batteries are unable to keep a constant charge, and the 
the device doesn't work. Blames expected failure of his product when shown 
in public on a supposed "defect" in the DeLorean car. Best of all, this 
technology that doesn't function as promised, is NOT even his!

So with that said, no, I have no sympathy for Carl Tilley. He isn't an inventor, 
so much as he is a social engineer. His investors act more like followers, he 
refuses to answer direct questions, and he's constantly running from the 
police when having to answer to legal charges. JZD had is his brush with the 
law in '82, and even made it thru a couple of bankruptcy cases. But each time 
JZD stayed there, and faced those charges, and won, because he was right! 
He didn't flee the state, like Tilley, or even the country like others have done in 
the past. That takes a good amount of courage. Bravo to the man!

On the other hand, Tilley is both a fraud, and a coward. The man flees legal 
prosecution because he knows that he is in the wrong. And when he has 
been caught in the past, he's plea bargained his way out of things. According 
to records, he doesn't even have a valid license, so no one can track him thru 
the system. Not just for scamming people, but for damaging the image of the 
DeLorean car, I hope the Govt. files suit against him, convicts him, and sends 
him to Federal "Pound 'em in the @ss" prison for a long time!

A vast resource about Tilley and his folleys can be found at:

vin 6585 "X"

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