Re: Coolant air bleed kit?
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Re: Coolant air bleed kit?

I know I am going to start a contoversy but here goes. IMHO the
bleeder kit fixes a symptom. Once you have bled the air from your
system it will "self bleed" if the air that is still trapped inside is
small. The problem most cars have is that they have coolant leaks.
When the system cools it draws air in through the leaks. Since the
system gets more air in it then it can "self bleed" the auto bleeder
seems to "fix" things when in reality you still have the coolant
leaks. On the cars I have done a total rebuild of the cooling system
and are "tight" they have no problems with air. The bleeder itself
isn't a bad thing but be aware that you are only masking a symptom and
not deaing with the real problem. If you install the bleeder and EVER
have to add coolant you can be sure you have leaks. The bleeder kit is
cheaper than going the whole way though and could help you put off the
proper repair until a more convienient time.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757

--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, MPolzin@xxxx wrote:
> Steve,
> Check the air bleeder is $24.95, I just
> one myself today.

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