Possible kapac question
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Possible kapac question

Okay this is a longshot....I have had my car for about a year and a 
half and information on our cars and purchasing them has been made 
easier by the internet. My question: I remember back in the mid 80s I 
somehow got hold a of a phone number and called and spoke to an older 
gentlemen about buying a Delorean. He was very helpful on the phone 
and I am guessing spent about 20 minutes on the phone with me. He 
told me the pros and cons (more of these) about the car and then sent 
me 3-4 photocopied pages of Delorean information. I know this was 
after most of the dealers had closed. 

I wish I still had the stuff he sent me but that was 15+ years ago. I 
have always wondered who i spoke to that day and where this company 
fits into Delorean history. My only guess was that it was someone 
from Kapac in Ohio. Anyone know how Kapac advertised the cars they 
had for sale? I am guessing they advertised in large newspapers or 
something. Without the internet its amazing I found the number. 
Anyone else that was looking at getting a Delorean back in the mid 
80s have a similar experience? This has always bugged me as I have 
wanted to find out who I was talking with...

Mike C

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