Re: [DML] refabricate tosion bars
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Re: [DML] refabricate tosion bars


If I recall correctly, when this was brought up on the list awhile back, I thought the price being put forth per owner was going to be closer to $100. Now I am seeing $350 and up. Did I read something incorrectly? Personally, I would still be willing to put up something closer to $100 to reserve a bar, and would even personally dedicate time to mailing list members and asking them to support the project if necessary. Unlike others here I DON'T see it as a frivilous thing--if your bar does God forbid go out, what on earth are you going to do then? The car basically become undrivable, and you will have to hunt for weeks or even longer to find a replacement part. I think shelling out a little bit now for a NEW torsion bar would more than pay for the hassal that would occur if you didn't have one. 

So I don't see why people are complaining about this type of request. After all, it's not like there are dozens of DeLoreans out there just waiting to be parted out. How often do we hear about an actual parts car on this list? And does the owner of that car have the time to disassemble every part and send it to you? Again, I think it just makes more sense to have such an important and rare part around if you need it. So why not push forward with it?

Let me know, John! I would be more than willing to dedicate my own time here. Maybe we could get that price down if we find enough people to put up the money.


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