Re: [DML]Only running on five cylinders, turning into desperation
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Re: [DML]Only running on five cylinders, turning into desperation

Okay, I want to thank everybody who has helped me with my little tune up
adventure I've undertaken. I couldn't have gotten this far without you!

Now I have a new problem that has proven most frustrating (I'll spare you
what I really call it, due to my remaining sense of decency). The car
simply won't run at all now. Even when it was running on five cylinders, it
always immediately fired up without delay. I reassembled everything with
the most care possible. I replaced the cap, rotor, plugs, and wires. I
even had someone with me to check my every move. We've confirmed the car is
getting spark, and it smells like it's getting fuel. I hear the fuel pump
going and the frequency valve buzzing. It just cranks and cranks without
any result. It's like it's not even trying.

I got someone elses opinion, and they said it felt like the plug wires could
all be one off because it kind of "kicks" on every revolution. We checked
them again and everything seems normal. We hooked them up based on the
numbers on the cap. Cylinders 1 2 and 3 are on the left bank (right of car)
and 4 5 and six are on the right bank (left of car). Is this correct? I
went by the number diagram in the repair manual. I'm really hoping I don't
have to tear this all apart again! We've spent hours double checking every
connection and hose on the car. I had to quit to preserve my sanity.

My first repair attempt on the DeLorean has been most frustrating.
Unfortunately I have absolutely no options right now but to find a way to
fix it myself. If anyone has any ideas of what to look for, I would be open
to anything. Thank you for all your time and help!


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