When is a D Dream not stainless?
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When is a D Dream not stainless?

A car is a car is the response I got to a survey I have been 
conduction over the last week about what type of DeLorean I should 
get (According to price). And I almost believed it!

Coming into work this morning (4 am) I was tooling down the highway @ 
55 mph and this guy (or girl) comes behind me flashing his lights 
like mad between low and high beams. I decided to loose him, so I 
floored the accelerator and shot up to a good 95 or so and this guy 
did likewise. or so I thought until he passed me like I was driving 
a 1960's Izzetta (clown car). Going well over 100 mph made me 
realize that I needed another car as I could no longer see his 
tailights. So much for my Capri.

Anyway, I have a meeting with the bank today over purchasing a 
DeLorean within the next three months, discussing the options I have, 
and trying to get the best car for the money. Thus the reason for 
the survey. 

Heres the survey I conducted and its results (mind you this is a poor 
area to live).

DeLorean Expense: Cost in US Dollars

$0-9999 Junker/Non Running or running with problems... 1 vote

$10000-13999 Runs but interior/exterior usual with problems, minor 
engine and transmission issues... 18 votes

$14000-18000 Looks and runs great, few problems, everything generaly 
in good shape 8 votes

$18000-25000 Near perfect condition 3 votes

$32000 Refurbished/New Conditon 1 vote

Whats a DeLorean? 15 votes

(What a conincidence!!)

Buying a 10k or a 32.5 k DeLorean wont beat that car that passed me 
this morning doing at least 130mph (estimated). However, nothing in 
my mind will convince me otherwize that the car I am driving isnt the 
coolist and must desiriable automobile on the road. 

Just to reinforce this idea, remeber the original DeLorean 
commerical. "The DeLorean is the most awaited automobile in 
automotive history." Thats something money cant buy.

Thomas Porter

Ps. Oh, I decided on the 14000-18000 dollar range. Best bang for 
the buck I think. However, probley more on the 18000 side though.

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