RE: [DML] vendors and other scammers (Long Reply Again)
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RE: [DML] vendors and other scammers (Long Reply Again)

> how about volunteering the part numbers and cross refs for the Gabriel
and Monroe units you're selling, strictly for the benefit of the
Delorean community? 

Jim and "the list", 

Would you request that all of the "vendors and other scammers" provide
their specifications, drawings, sources and part numbers "for the good
of the list"?

Those who want to research, engineer, re-engineer or reverse-engineer
original DeLorean designs will continue to have choices. The choice of
marketing their items for their own good and the good of the list
members who recognize the value and want to purchase them. And the
choice to make the information available so that "some" others could
source/make the items themselves. These choices are not necessarily
mutually exclusive, and neither one is in any way un-ethical (as some
would imply). The choice is theirs to make, and they should not be
criticized for it. 

Marketing/providing significant improvements on an existing design
should also be encouraged. Prior to "Marty's adjustable shock collar"
there was the questionable practice of turning an additional groove in a
shock, and moving the locking ring down.

By the way, there is more to Marty's "design" than putting a collar on a
shock, and those who don't realize this may find out the "hard" way. 

If I make this email any longer, I'll have to ask Jim for the source and
part number of his soap box :-)


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