RE:Engine Problems
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RE:Engine Problems

I get almost exactly 15 miles to the gallon of gass on my daily driving D.
I changed the O2 sensor on DMC Joe's recommendation as the frequency "buzz"
was on constantly. Now it buzzes on and off, but I still get horrible (the
same) gas mileage even compared to my automatic. While comparing my
functioning d to this one I noticed that when I press the full throttle
micro switch on this car the buzzing is constant, but the engine noise does
not change at all. On my automatic when I press the switch the buzzing is
constant and the engine revs up. I am concernd that my cylinders are
getting "gass washed" and that is why I am also burning a little oil. plz
give me suggestions
P.S. THe fuel accumulator and o2 sensor have both been changed within the
past year.
Joe Palatinus
VIN 17167 6808

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