Protecting your D...
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Protecting your D...

I've been wondering recently what most DeLorean owners do to
protect the car. Do you use an alarm, club, a combination, etc?
(Obviously I'm assuming 99% of owners keep them in some kind of
garage.) I guess my problem is that I live on a very busy residential
street in central California, where alot of cars get jacked and stolen (more
so in other towns than mine, but it's still California, you know?) 
Basically, I feel like every time I open up my garage door to do
anything on the car, potential thieves are driving by and checking it out 
(there's some scummier people in my neighborhood too...California 
gang-bangers, etc.)

Now maybe I'm over-reacting, and my DeLorean is nowhere near as
nice as other ones out there (although someone who doesn't know
any better wouldn't care.) But I am there any kind
of black market demand for a DeLorean? Obviously someone who's
going to steal one for personal use in pretty much any given area is
just looking to get caught eventually...I figure it can't be hard for
cops to spot one on the street if they are looking for it. But you
never know what some crazy person is willing to try. So I guess
my question is this: I do keep in garaged, (with the only entrance being the
garage door...but if you've seen Gone in 60 Seconds, you know how easy it
can be to open an automatic garage door) it's always locked, with a club
on, and behind it on my driveway I keep another car parked which
blocks it pretty well. Is there more I can do, or am I freaking out
way too much, even for my neighborhood? Obviously I know you can't
totally stop someone who's determined to steal your car...but what do other
owners out there do to protect it?

Thanks for any tips,


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