DeLorean Car Show final Update
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DeLorean Car Show final Update


Well its almost time
I haven't lost too much hair over it but the numbers keep growing
As of Sunday morning we have a total of 280 people registered. And we are 
going to be close to the 100 car mark 
There are 80 cars registered for judging compared to 56 at Cincinnati with 
about 20 cars coming that will be part of the show but chose not to have 
their cars judged compared to 15 at Cincinnati. 

You can pick up your registration packets with the tickets at Shooters on 
Thursday night (after I get there) or all day Friday at the Holiday Inn. or 
at The Dinner at the Crawford. 

You will be given a name tag
You must have the name tag to be served at both the Crawford and the Science 
center. That is your ticket.. It will be given to you at the Crawford or the 
Science Center as you enter. Unpaid balances or changes are due at this time.

Now for the fun stuff

Two years ago the web page predicted 100 cars and up to 300 people.
Well I think we are almost there
We are represented by 28 states and two foreign countries (besides Canada)
Cars are coming from most of these states.
DMC Houston will host the Concourse part of the show
The DCO of Ohio with Mike Substelny will be hosting the two Driving Ralleys 
so if you have any questions please ask Mike ( I know nothing) 
The show is a sellout for Friday with John Z Delorean. I had to close it as 
of today 
we are at the 250 max.

John is looking forward to meeting you all and as of Saturday He still plans 
to talk Friday and be at the show mid afternoon through the group pictures at 
4:45 and the Science Center dinner Saturday)

Saturday there is still a few spaces left.

The location of the show if you haven't been paying attention to the postings 
has changed from between the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Science Center to 
behind the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on the E-9th Street Dock. 

This is a Brick Dock and if your car has any oil leak problems please bring 
something to put under it. This area is not normally used for car traffic so 
we are responsible to keep it clean.


Holiday Inn -$10.00 per day in out privelages attached to the hotel.
Science Center- $5.00 per day in out privelages next to the Science Center 
about a 3 minute walk from the hotel.
Port Authority- NO CARS Behind the Science Center and Cleveland Browns 
Stadium $5.00 per day in out privelages. (You must park here if you have a 
trailer or motor home no exceptions and note you will NOT be able to manuver 
if you try to do the Holiday Inn so drop off on Lakeside Ave then drive down 
to the parking lot) 4 min walk.

Dress is casual for all events

BRING SUNSCREEN We are right on the lake you will Fry in the sun w/o it
Sun cover is minimal I remember a few red bodies from the last show.

Vendors ( I got 18 responses)

There are 22 tables available, 220 chairs Take a table and chair when you get 
there Saturday Morning and set up on the grassy brick area identified on the 
maps (we will go over this at the show) Left over chairs may be used by car 

Food is available for lunch at a number of local resturaunts or Mc Donalds in 
the Science Center. 

Come and enjoy yourselves to the Biggest Delorean event of the year and maybe 
the century????

Thank you all who have contributed and especially to those of you who plan to 

This will truely be a collection of rare Deloreans plus a fine collection of 
the DMC12 

Ken Koncelik
Sponsor of 
<A HREF="";>DeLorean Car Show "YEAR 2000"</A>

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