[DML] Re: SS clutch line
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[DML] Re: SS clutch line

At 04:27 PM 3/20/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Thinking about doing the same thing. How long should it take to do this?

I hope you won't mind if I sorta Butt in to your exchange with Darren.....

I did the stainless clutch line a year ago, and let me just say that the installation cures all the sticky clutch problems and "I can't shift on hot days in bumper to bumper traffic" troubles as well.

May I suggest that if you do decide to install the stainless, first save the end caps that keep dirt out of the new line and used them on the old (plastic) line. leave the old line in place with the plastic caps installed....now you have a back up clutch line just in case....
You can run the new stainless line right next to the old one...(there is plenty of room for this)
Be sure that you flush out the whole system with new DOT4 and bleed all the air out.
I use an empty two liter soda bottle and clear plastic tube and a bit of cork. Once you start the bleeding process and an inch or so of old DOT4 is in the bottle you won't have to worry about sucking air as you bleed the line. This is a good time to replace both the master and slave. They don't cost that much and you end up with a "Totally new system".

As for time, it took me an hour or so including stopping for a sip of hot coffee now and again.
You will only need a couple of wrenches and some of those plastic hand cuffs, I like black color.

Good luck with your choice.


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