[DML] Re: speedo, angle drive
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[DML] Re: speedo, angle drive

At 04:01 PM 3/6/00 -0500, you wrote:
>My speedometer was on the blink when I got my car so I've never seen a
>well maintained one operate. I just replaced the angle drive this weekend
>and that did the trick but I wanted to ask other owners about its traits.
>The needle jumps around a lot at low speeds and seems to settle down and
>stabilize as the speed climbs. Is this normal or should the needle be
>smooth all the way from 0 to 55mph?? It usually smoothes out at around 35 -
>40 mph, but is a little jerky on it's travel to that speed. Is this normal?
>Also, what type of lube should I use for the angle drive and lower cable??
>Thank you in advance

Your needle should be smooth through the whole range.

>From the all time champ of angle drive replacements:
Here are a few suggestions -

1. Remove the lower drive cable and clean it out with
some kind of engine grease remover.
2. Inspect it for rust Lubricate it with a white lithium grease.
3. If you do not have the Coat hanger drive cable stabilizer guide on
you D get one and install it.
4. Inspect the whit plastic angle drive Cup found under the front left wheel
hub. It has a square hole which fits over the end of the angle drive spring.
The hole should be lubricated but the outer lip should be dry and free of dirt.

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