[DML] A VERY sad day... :o(
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[DML] A VERY sad day... :o(

To all DMLer's,

I am sorry to inform you all that in this weeks issue of Time magazine (June 14th), there is a list of "The 100 Worst Ideas of the Century". It saddens me to say that, yes, the DeLorean is listed. Not only am I sad, but I am a bit angry. Whoever put it there obviously never owned a DeLorean and had no right to judge our magnificent cars in such a manner. I would understand it if they said the DMC Company as a bad idea, maybe, but the car??? No way!!! I mean, name one car company that started from scratch and had no problems. I can't think of one. And it seems to me that the problems with the DMC-12 weren't that bad. I can say this because my car is used as an every (nice) day driver. It has so far started up and ran almost flawlessly every day. And mine sat for 9 years before I began working on it!!! Can you say that about any other exotic cars? So, with that in mind, I say to Time magazine.....................well, you figure it out. :o)

Just my thoughts.

---Dan #5493

If you want to see my car, it's on Brian's site... http://home.tampabay.rr.com/deloreans/index.htm


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